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HR for MSMEs

About Us

Employee and HR focus could be different in every phase of the organizational life cycle. One of these phases is the high growth phase which is totally different from the other phases and requires an understanding of growing companies and how they work and develop. This prompted us to design several solutions designed specifically to fit their needs.

We provide human resources services for growing MSMEs which include:

  • Being the trusted strategic HR partner to virtual CHRO
  • A qualified consultant combining experience in human resources and knowledge of the characteristics of high-growth organizations to develop human resources plans and work as a facilitator and management advisor.
  • Weekly visits / virtual to carry out the executive tasks and follow up on the progress of HR plans.
  • A monthly meeting to discuss past achievements and next month’s plans & KPIs for HR.
  • We can play the role of HR BP and CoE for all HR functions


Bouquet of services provided:

  • Professionalize the work culture, and design flexible systems, manuals, and work rules.
  • Support the hiring process with various types of selection criteria, assessments, and tools to identify the best talents.
  • Create a very simple performance management & appraisal system.
  • Improve the internal environment and enhance team culture.
  • Design systems to develop and motivate employees.

Some specific examples of high-impact work done till now

  1. Psychological breach – Study: This happens when an employee feels that the role that they are recruited for is different from the role that it actually turns out to be, this is true for companies that are in the high growth phase and the expectation is everyone steps up.
  2. Crucial conversations with talent: We feel in the growth phase founders and managers are busily expanding, therefore the regular conversations on engagement can be handled by our coaches and leaders. This helps in raising a red flag before a person is disengaged
  3. Quality of Hire Metric: for this organization that is on a fast growth trajectory, we facilitate this metric and thus ensure quality people get hired in the organization as the size grows.
  4. Entry-Level Talent Strategy: this is important but never urgent, this works at creating an entry-level bench in which our team strategies and hires. We also work to make them productive at an accelerated pace.
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